Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Ducati Team... Simerah yang mulai kompetitif..!!

Jika kita lihat sepak terjang Ducati Team di MotoGp maka kita pasti setuju bahwa jaman 2007 adalah jaman paling kompetitif dari team merah italia, tetapi kemudian berjalan kearah yang tidak jelas, bahkan mereka mati-matian berjuang dipapan tengah sepanjang musim.
Perjalanan panjang team desmo ini akhirnya mencapai titik terang saat ducati dibeli oleh raksasa otomotif Audi dan terjadi perubahan struktur besar-besaran pada internal Ducati Team.

Pada sesi test sepang ducati sukses menangani masalah understeer pada desmosedici dan mencetak lap time 1 menit 59.3 detik oleh Iannone menggunakan motor lama. Hal ini juga menjadi perhatian bagi Rossi yang menyatakan bahwa ducati mampu bersaing dengan Yamaha dan Honda.

Andrea Iannone (Ducati Team #29) – 1’59.722 (4th), 147 laps
“For sure these were three positive days, because we arrived in Malaysia with a totally new bike, without ever having tried it before, and we succeeded in lapping pretty quickly and without any reliability problems. The GP15 took to the track for the first time on Monday, and so I’m happy with the way it’s improved in such a short period of time. Today we focused on testing various types of setting on the bike, trying to improve the feeling but above all the grip and corner turn-in. There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’m happy with this first contact with the new bike.

Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati Team #04) – 2’00.250 (9th), 123 laps
“I can but only be happy with these tests. We brought a completely new bike here and we were fast and competitive right from the start. I am particularly satisfied because we improved the key point from the previous bikes, and now the bike ‘turns’ in the corners. Back home the guys in Ducati Corse have done a great job and we didn’t have any particular reliability issues in these three days. Now we have to get to know the GP15 better, because we still have a few limits. The new bike is very different from the previous one, and so we have to try some extreme set-ups to understand it better, for example in the last part of braking and in the middle of the corner. But this is all normal, when you change a bike so much there are always good and bad points. I’m convinced that we have a lot of room for improvement, but we need time and in the next few days our engineers will have a lot of data to analyze before we go to Qatar for the tests in mid-March”.

Luigi Dall’Igna (Ducati Corse General Manager)
“I am also pretty satisfied with the way things have gone and it seems that everything is going well: we lapped for three days without any major reliability issues and this is surely important for a completely new bike. The GP15 “turns” better than the previous model and this was the main aim that we had set for ourselves. We did however find some critical points, especially in braking and we also have a few more issues that will have to be resolved. However, I am pleased with the feeling that Iannone has already reached, both from the comments he made and the pace he showed on this track, while Dovizioso on the other hand had a few more problems in the final part of braking, which obviously we have to tackle and resolve. Overall however I am happy, because we have begun our work on the GP15 in a positive way.”

Duo ducati ini merasa positif dan optimis atas kerja keras dan pencapaian dari Ducati Team, Duo ducati ini tampil impresif dan mengancam baik menggunakan GP14.3 maupun GP15. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah kondisi GP15 yang hanya dipakai sebentar dan akan menghadapi test Qatar, tentunya ducati harus memilih menggunakan GP15 atau GP14.3....
Dari selama sesi latihan Ducati tampil menjanjikan... bagaimana dengan Season 2015..?? sepertinya tim merah bakal podium...

1 komentar:

  1. juosss
