Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Trackday Cornering Indonesia Surabaya Sunday Run

Sunday Morning.... great day on weekend, the sun shines bright and its a perfect day to practice with friends....  Okay... Cornering Indonesia Surabaya is a Community that riders who love cornering in surabaya or other city around East java can practice together in Kenpark Circuit of Surabaya. 

Suddenly black cloud is arriving when i go to circuit, then finally... jederrrr and byuuurrrrr......!! okay thanks God for giving us rain and we not feel hot again... hehehehe... GAS!!
Arriving at 9 AM on the wet track... hmmm... it looks so good, wet race? seems better... hehehe... there i was greeted with Big Bikes exhaust sound... blarrr blarrrr wungggg wuuunggg.... omg!! too many big bikes today... other is 600cc to 1000cc++ and me just 150cc... no prob.. Small doesnt mean slow dude!!

Me with my lovely bike FZ150 "Silver_Shadow"

Nice to see my friend and others there with their bikes... 
Who want to try wet track first?? of course me..!! GAS...!!
Finally track is dry and others with big bikes take a ride.... gass brotherrr...!! full throttlle..!

But i actually have more respect with Ninja RR rider Mr. DediSan who bring his bike with car to the circuit, just for what? just for hobby and do it in right place, not on public road.....Here it this... Ninja RR with Rider...

Mr. Kurniawan with LC135

Mr Arthur with NF

Different displacement and type doesnt matter....!!! Full throttle and keep on racing line!!

Mr Ridwan with NF

and i specially thanks to bro devis for taking a great picture with Mr. DediSan Camera, bro koko to take a picture with me on a grass... hehehe..
So its a pleasure to practice with u guys.. awesome people with awesome bikes too...

nice practice, full of enjoyment and ultra tired, finally improved my bike to late braking and cornering.... wet track then dry track.... best moment when my FZ150 hunt white R6 in the corner for 10 laps.... thanks to Dedi Pedrosa our rider, Artur NugrohoRossi Kurniawan for wet race, Koko Setiyo WidodoMuhamad RidwanDevis Gendhiz Bundafor picture and other riders with superbikes...

Next what? hmm... i dont know cause i must done my final project to graduated.. if i have a free time then it will be trackday again... see u guys on next trackday!!!

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